The holy Quran is a guide to us all, Allah revealed it to guide us and help us. Whatever we need we will find the solution in the Quran, including a surah for blessings, of course. Allah says in…

The holy Quran is a guide to us all, Allah revealed it to guide us and help us. Whatever we need we will find the solution in the Quran, including a surah for blessings, of course. Allah says in…
To achieve success in our lives we should seek to be true believers, pray, give Zakat, read Quran, and do good deeds. Allah says in the holy Quran: قَدْ أَفْلَحَ ٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ ١ “Successful indeed are the believers” [Surah Al-Mu’minun,…
We read the Quran for guidance and help; it has a cure for everything. So, let’s see what are the most powerful surah in Quran for protection. Importance of reading Surah Al-Falaq for protection. Surah Falaq was revealed to…
The holy Quran has a cure for body and soul illness, whatever your illness is you will find a cure for it in the beautiful verses of the Quran. Allah says in the holy Quran: وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ ٱلْقُرْءَانِ مَا…
Many people are wondering about the surah to read to increase wealth, income, Rizq and so to overcome poverty and life problems. Therefore, in this article, we will learn about the Powerful surah for wealth and Rizq, let’s get…
One of the major criticisms of Islam is its alleged mistreatment of women, but have you actually researched what does the Quran say about women? Those who buy into Islamophobic propaganda are quick to point to the religion’s rules…
We know that the holy Quran has a cure for everything. Therefore we will learn about the 3 surahs to read at night every day before sleeping. Importance of reading Surah Ar-Rahman at night. Al-Rahman is one of the…
As humans we go through a lot of suffering, sometimes you may feel like you can stand it anymore. That’s normal. We all experience negative feelings, and we think that we are alone in this, but that’s not the…
Quran recitations heal our souls from all the negative feelings; therefore, we will learn about the best surah for anxiety. Being a human being means going through ups and downs, it’s part of our human nature and life goes…
The holy Quran carries a cure for everything; therefore, we will learn about the best surahs to read if you’re feeling lost for help and guidance. The holy Quran is a cure and guidance for us all, Allah says…