Dinosaurs, The epic creatures with small hands. Whenever we think of dinosaurs we imagine a Jurassic Park movie with gigantic creatures running around cities smashing skyscrapers and jeopardizing humanity or the human race. Well, science fiction is enjoyable but…
Some have narrated by Uthman ibn Affan that the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him said: ”The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it”. But what about if you want to teach it for…
To read or not to read the Quran, without wudu, is a troubling question to all Muslims. We all want to read as much of the Quran as we can, whether daily or weekly. Reading the Quran is a…
Not all Muslims are Arabs or learned how to speak Arabic. That’s why lots of Muslims rely on reading the Quran in their own language or in English. But they’re still confused about the reward. So, what is the…
When I was listening to the radio, I heard the shaykh praising someone’s recitation of the Quran and saying it’s because they have a pure heart. Does that mean people who unintentionally read it wrong don’t have pure hearts?…
The Quran recitation is a great and virtuous act in Islam. Both men and women can enjoy the recitation of the Quran. But can a woman recite Quran loudly? Yes, a woman can recite the Quran loudly. For women,…
Muslims who find their solace in the Quran strive to listen to it constantly. They listen to it while trying to sleep, after they wake up while doing house chores, and so on. However, listening to the Quran in…
Having unpleasant feelings is a normal aspect of being human. Emotions such as melancholy or grief are not a sign of weakness or a lack of faith. Since the Prophets and their companions experienced them in varying degrees and…