All Muslims want their kids to learn the holy Quran. The Quran is the pathway to eternal bliss and success. When we bestow our trust on Allah almighty, we experience closeness to him and our faith strengthens. Your children’s…

All Muslims want their kids to learn the holy Quran. The Quran is the pathway to eternal bliss and success. When we bestow our trust on Allah almighty, we experience closeness to him and our faith strengthens. Your children’s…
The benefits of learning Quran are too many to count in one post, if we even know them all, but let me try and do my best. Quran is a deep book that contains multiple lessons guiding people about…
Who is the Prophet Muhammad? Lineage and Birth Born about 570 into a respected branch of the prestigious and influential Qurashi family of Mecca, Ban Hashim, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib bin Abd Manaf bin Qusay bin Kaleb bin Marra bin Kaab…
Familiarity with the principles of the Quran, the pillars of Islam, appropriate recitation and memorization, the rich history of Arab, and opting for the most experienced online tutors are the tasks that no Muslim can afford to overlook. Tutor-supervised…
A Muslim child’s relation with Allah (SWT) and His book, the Quran, starts very early. Even before a child is conceived, parents must make dua for righteous children. During pregnancy, a mother listening to and reciting the Quran creates…