The holy book Quran is considered to be the best book for guidance in different matters of this life and afterlife. But do you know all the ways of how reading the holy quran benefits your life? Almost every…
As to the Koran, it consists exclusively of the revelation or commands which the Prophet professed, to have received from time, as a message direct from God; and which under divine direction, the Prophet delivered to those about him.…
Belief in God is best represented by the following formula which every Sunni, or orthodox Moslem must profess sincerely: God is one and has had no partner; Singular, without any like Him; Uniform having no contrary; Separate, having no…
Allah’s Hearing and Sight Allah (God)–praised by His name–hears and sees, and hears and sees. No audible sound, no matter how still, escapes His hearing. Nothing visible is so small as to escape His sight, for distance is no…
The fourth article of the Islamic creed is faith in all the Apostles of God. A Moslem must believe, that the Merciful Creator sent in divers ages certain messengers or apostles, to reclaim mankind from infidelity and superstition, and…
The Extent of Allah’s Knowledge and Will God’s (Allah) living, powerful, mighty, omnipotent, not liable to any defect or impotence, neither slumbering nor sleeping nor being subject to decay or death. To Him belongs the Kingdom, the power, and…
The holy Quran is the most sacred book of the Muslims across the world and is the last book of Allah almighty. It is the duty of every Muslim to read the Quran on an everyday basis. Reading and…
All Muslims want their kids to learn the holy Quran. The Quran is the pathway to eternal bliss and success. When we bestow our trust on Allah almighty, we experience closeness to him and our faith strengthens. Your children’s…