Eid ul Adha prayer is a prayer that we offer on the first day of Eid ul Adha, so in this article, we will learn everything we need to know about it. How many Takbeer in Eid ul Adha…
Besides the obligatory prayers in Islam, there are what is called Nafl and Sunnah, so which one is Eid prayer? That’s what we will find out shortly. Eid prayer is Wajib or sunnah? When it comes to answering whether…
When can you cut your hair on Eid Ul Adha may seem like an insignificant question, but it really isn’t. The second important Eid in the Islamic calendar is Eid ul Adha. This Eid has specific rules for the…
All Muslims dream of being able to read the Quran without mistakes, and teach others how to read correctly, so, let’s see how to do so. How to read Quran without mistakes? To read the Quran without mistakes you…
In this article, we will tackle all you need to know about Eid al Fitr, and Eid day, so if you want to learn about them keep reading. Is it haram to work on Eid day? No, it is…